How Factshala is helping end participants from falling for misinformation in day-to-day life

Factshala participant from Jammu

“During the farmer protests, I received an image of a Sikh farmer purportedly insulting the national flag on some family groups. Once I confirmed that the picture in question, it was fake (using web search), I called all those family members and acquaintances who shared that picture to educate them about the reality of that picture. All of them vowed not to share such pictures without verifying them.”

A student from Delhi

“ I share what I learnt from FactShala with my grandparents who often fall for fake news. I corrected them when they fell for a fake picture of a person talking to someone while holding the fence along India’s Line of Control. This is a misleading image as anyone holding the fence would be electrocuted immediately in reality. “Understanding the different aspects of misinformation through FactShala has helped me become a keen observer. I have realised that most fake news can be easily busted with a careful eye and some smart keyword search.”

A law student from Madhya Pradesh

” I helped protect people around me from falling for a message that claimed that the government was giving out monetary relief during covid. The message included a link to a form and requested potential beneficiaries to deposit some money before they become eligible to receive the aid. I searched online and found no such scheme. FactShala saved us.”

Shopkeeper, 57, from Delhi

“ I realised that my fake social media profile was being used to scam my contacts for money. I immediately reported the matter to the social site and filed a police complaint. Ever since attending the session, I have started sharing only authentic information (after cross checking from authoritative sources). As a result, my image and reputation amongst friends has improved, I am not embarrassed about anything I share anymore.”

Faculty member from a girls college in Ferozepur, Punjab

“ A few days after the training, I received a call asking for my personal and bank details. I immediately became suspicious. I started gathering more information about the call and caller. He quickly disconnected after I confronted him. Thanks to FactShala, I saved myself from potential phishing. I immediately told my friends and family about it to also make them aware about this. ”

Homemaker, Delhi, 47

“ One of my acquaintances, who I consider highly educated and respected, refrained from getting vaccinated due to rumours regarding Covid vaccines. When I checked the veracity of these claims on the internet, they turned out to be untrue. Instead of being scared, I got vaccinated quickly as a result of attending FactShala and also encouraged others in my family. So happy that I can now spot misinformation and call out fake news on social media, and also brag about it to family members! ``

A woman self-help group member from a village in Bhrambe, Jharkhand

“ Thanks to Factshala training by Rashmi Verma, I got to know that unlike what is claimed in many viral messages, covid vaccinations do not have any harmful effects and that they were only false claims. Not only have I got fully vaccinated, but also convinced my friends, family and neighbours to see the truth behind these fake messages and encouraged them to take the vaccine .”

Kerala homemaker

” I once received a phone message saying I had won the lottery and that I will be able to claim the full amount if I email all my personal details and scanned documents and also transfer some money. But I could quickly verify the information and save myself from potential fraud. Thanks to Factshala and trainer Musthafa Mubashir, I did not fall in the trap. ”

Kamalvaani Radio listener Karishma, 22

“ One of my friends had put a status message on her chat app showing an image of an airport with a lot of dead bodies strewn with an accompanying text warning everyone about the severity of the second wave. The picture claimed that it was from Delhi. I quickly ran it through reverse image search and found that the picture was from another country and the text was also not true. I immediately informed her and she quickly removed the post and also apologized for sharing unverified info.”
“In another case, one of my friends was lured into sharing her personal information (AADHAR card) on the pretext of giving her a job. After
speaking to me she understood that she had been conned as a simple search on the internet revealed that no such company exists.”